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Thursday 10 September 2015

11th september:

Indian diplomacy faces tough test: 

  1. The mere presence of Vienna convention, where diplomats are given absolute immunity points to the realist assumption of every state for itself. It shows the inability, albeit at the time of its formation, a lack of trust to solve cases through negotiations but rather escape each other by giving by immunity.
  2. Think about how this convention is applicable in 21st century where there is more Globalization than ever and there is a start in the growth of cosmopolitan culture.
  3. Finally, everyone's talks about how every nation just follows its national interest but forget how national interest of one nation can be intertwined with other nations or how two conflicting sets of national interests puts pressure on the country. Case in point.
Devil in the details:

  1. Sovereignty - Shared or unitary are not necessarily good or bad. It depends on where this sovereign power is drawn from i.e what gives it legitimacy.
  2. The increasing problem is that the increasing legitimacy is based on ethnic lines in Telangana, Nagaland or many other places.
  3. So if question asked in this area - We should not forget the important point that constitution should be the basis of whatever that happens and so long as it is within this ambit, we should be able to respect that.

Single point feed:

  1. The growth in racial violence - USA, South Africa, incident in India - All these can be attributed to the human rights concept in global concerns - This is quite different in that human rights movement is generally seen in a way of expanding those rights from countries with to countries without. But this flawed functioning of human rights rises questions as to the actual functioning of human rights in the established countries - Think more about it.
  2. Protests against Saudi embassy in India by AIDWA - Women movement knows no national boundary - Think about similar movement like that - Does it point towards a growing cosmopolitan culture? or it is minute when seen as to how many people actually endorse it?.
  3. Already more Afghan security forces have died than the entire coalition soldiers dead during the decade - This increased spurt of violence will hasten Afghanistan into solution one which might be tilted to the benefit of Taliban.So while Pak-China-Afghanistan are trying to broker a deal India must ensure that there is security in the Afghanistan - Even if this means providing military equipment.
  4. As already mentioned, the fight now is because of strategic bipolarity and not ideological.


  1. Too much technical language. Tough to read. No background story. I am sorry for being straightforward but this is what I feel.

    1. No don't be. I totally agree with you. But I am not trying to explain everything here, my only concern is to link the newspaper to static portion, which you probably will read by the the time your preparation gets finished.

      But rather than seeing it as too much technical, try to understand the gist and maybe read the static part of one technical word daily. That will definitely help you.

      That being said, I will try and see if I can increase the content. I spend about as little time as possible because there are other portions that I need to read.

      Thanks a lot for the review, I mean it,

  2. Nice blog. Love to read such kind of posts - discussing news articles daily. I am also having political science background. so i am very much okay with the usage of heavy terms in your post. keep it up. All the best.

